We’re delighted to welcome you back for the 2024-2025 season!
It begins in Alsace with Strasculture, the open day of our instrumentarium of our instrumentarium for the European Heritage Days, and the opening of registrations for Percustra workshops. This autumn also sees us take part in the Musica Festival, with 3 programmes in Strasbourg and Metz. We would also like to announce our two concerts in Strasbourg: La Fête Sauvage (film-concert) by Frédéric Rossif and Lucie Antunes in November, and Camatithu, a recital programme featuring 3 pieces by Vietnamese composers in March 2025. We will also be representing the percussion section in Les Noces, Igor Stravinski’s ballet choreographed by Hélène Blackburn at the Opéra national du Rhin in October.
At the end of the newsletter, you’ll find all our concert dates for this first quarter of the season, from the Grand Est region to China and the Czech Republic!
Cultural season opening
Saturday 7th September, 10am-7pm
Place du Château, Strasbourg (FR)
The event is free and open to all.
The full programme of the event (+)
Facebook event (+)
Come and meet us on the Place du Château in
Strasbourg at Strasculture on Saturday 7 September from
10am to 7pm! We’ll be unveiling our programmes on tour
and in Strasbourg: concerts, events and meetings,
opening of registration for our Percustra workshops…
The event brings together the city’s cultural institutions to
present their seasons, so you can plan your next outing!
PERCUSTRA 2024-2025
Registration opening
Saturday 7th September
Adult group (and accompanied young people aged 11
and over) on Tuesday evenings. These workshops are
open to everyone, with no musical pre-requisites. With
Thibaut Weber.
Youth group (aged 11 to 18) on Monday evenings. These
workshops are open to young people who have already
taken part in Percustra or who already play music as part
of a group. With Youjin Lee.
This year, Les Percussions de Strasbourg are putting on a
giant karaoke show! The participants in the Percustra
workshops will be imagining the musical outlines,
alongside the Pelicanto and HTP Chante choirs. The final
concert on the 5th of June promises to be a huge party on
the forecourt of the Théâtre de Hautepierre!
Whether you’re a beginner, an amateur, a teenager or an
adult, come and discover a music that expresses itself
through all kinds of media, and let yourself be surprised!
Find out more (+)
European Heritage Days
Sunday 22nd September
Percussions de Strasbourg
15 place André Maurois, Strasbourg (FR)
Free 45-minute guided tours at 10am, 11am, 12pm, then
2pm, 3pm and 4pm.
Free with reservation.
Accessible to children aged 6 and over.
Booking (+)
Every year, on the occasion of the European Heritage
Days, the Percussions de Strasbourg open the doors of
their legendary instrumentarium. Our musicians will be
delighted to show you the 7 tonnes of equipment and
accessories that make up our instrumental park, where
xylophones, marimbas, cymbals, wooden drums, bass
drums, cowbells, glockenspiels… are matched by wine
glasses, harmonic pipes, sirens, spaghetti, anvils, shock
absorber springs, bowls… because everyday objects can
be diverted from their original purpose to make use of their
resonance alone, becoming real forces of proposition and
experimentation for composers.
for school groups
and social partners
More information on our activities for school groups (+)
and association (+), or by e-mail to
The Percussions de Strasbourg will be giving two concerts
at the Théâtre de Hautepierre: La Fête Sauvage on 14th
November 2024 and Camatithu on 6th March 2025. The
ensemble will also be putting on performances for schools
and organising events for social workers.
Let’s build a project together!

Frédéric Rossif, Lucie Antunes
Thursday 14th November 2024, 8pm
Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FR)
Bookings (+), at 5ème Lieu, via Pass Culture or at the
venue on the night of the concert.
Find out more about the programme (+)
The teaser (+)
La Fête Sauvage is a film by Frédéric Rossif released in 1976, with a soundtrack by Vangelis and commentary by Madeleine Chapsal. Both a UFO and a pioneer of the
documentary genre, Frédéric Rossif offers an ode to nature in a wild celebration. In 2022, Lucie Antunes tackles this masterful film by composing a new minimalist
electro soundtrack with the Percussions de Strasbourg and Axel Rigaud, while retaining the idea of a great
celebration and contemplation of animal beauty.

Camatithu, Nguyễn Thiên Đạo (1975), 17’
Cycles du temps, Tôn-Thất Tiết (1999), 27’
Hoang hoải, Lương huệ trinh (2025), 15’ – création
Thursday 06th March 2025, 8pm
Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FR)
Bookings (+), at 5ème Lieu, via Pass Culture or at the venue on the night of the concert.
This recital programme will offer an immersion into the repertoire of the Percussions de Strasbourg, which has crossed paths with two representatives of contemporary
Vietnamese music, Nguyễn Thiện Đạo, a pupil of Olivier Messiaen, and Tôn Thất Tiết, a pupil of Jean Rivier and André Jolivet. For this programme, the ensemble has also
commissioned a new work from artist Lương Huệ Trinh, offering a journey through time between 1975, 1999 and 2025, at the crossroads between traditional Vietnamese music and Western compositional technique.

Les Noces, Igor Stravinski
Hélène Blackburn, Bruno Bouché
with le Ballet de Opéra national du Rhin
At l’Opéra national du Rhin, Strasbourg:
Thursday 3rd october 2024
Friday 4th October 2024
Sunday 6th October 2024
Monday 7th October 2024
At La Filature, Mulhouse:
Friday 18th October 2024
Sunday 20th October 2024
Booking (+)
Find out more about the programme (+)
Forming a choreographic and musical diptych, Hélène Blackburn creates a new choreography to the masterly music of Stravinsky’s Les Noces for the Ballet de l’Opéra national du Rhin, in response to the re-creation of Bruno Bouché’s Nous ne cesserons pas.
The programme:
Nous ne cesserons pas (re-creation)
Choreography and set design: Bruno Bouché
Music: Franz Liszt
Les Noces (creation)
Choreography and set design: Hélène Blackburn
Music: Igor Stravinski

S. Sighicelli, B. de la Fuente, avec Caravaggio
Monday 30th September 2024
Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FR)
Booking (+)
Friday 4th October 2024
Arsenal, Metz (FR)
Booking (+)
Find out more about the programme (+)

EGAL = Expérience d’écoute
S. Løffler, M. Applebaum, J. Ernst, J. Tenney
Saturday 5th October 2024
L’Agora, Metz (FR)
Booking (+)
Find out more about the programme (+)

Ryoji Ikeda
Saturday 5th October 2024
Arsenal, Metz, (FR)
Booking (+)
Find out more about the programme (+)

Sunday 22nd September – European Heritage Days
Instrumentarium visits
Percussions de Strasbourg, Strasbourg (FR)
Free – Booking (+)
Monday 30th September – RuptuR
S. Sighicelli, B. de la Fuente, with Caravaggio
Festival Musica, Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FR)
Booking (+)
03-04-06-07 October – Les Noces
Hélène Blackburn, Igor Stravinski
with the Ballet de l’Opéra national du Rhin
Opéra national du Rhin, Strasbourg (FR)
Booking (+)
Friday 4th October – RuptuR
S. Sighicelli, B. de la Fuente, with Caravaggio
Festival Musica, Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FR)
Booking (+)
Saturday 5th October – EGAL =
S. Løffler, M. Applebaum, J. Ernst, J. Tenney
Festival Musica, L’Agora, Metz (FR)
Booking (+)
Saturday 5th October – 100 CYMBALS
Ryoji Ikeda
Festival Musica, Arsenal, Metz, (FR)
Booking (+)
Thursday 10th October – Czech programme
M. Kabeláč, O. Adamek, I. Xenakis
Music is Festival, Prague (CZ)
Booking (+)
15-21 October – The Djinns
Yang Song
Shanghai International Arts Festival, Chine (CN)
16-17 October – RuptuR
S. Sighicelli, B. de la Fuente, avec Caravaggio
CCAM, Nancy Jazz Pulsation Nancy (FR)
Booking (+)
18-20 October – Les Noces
Hélène Blackburn, Igor Stravinski
with the Ballet de l’Opéra national du Rhin
La Filature, Mulhouse (FR)
Booking (+)
Thursday 14th November – La Fête Sauvage (film-
Lucie Antunes / Frédéric Rossif
Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FR)
Booking (+)
Sunday 17th November – La Fête Sauvage (film-concert)
Lucie Antunes / Frédéric Rossif
Philharmonie de Paris, Paris (FR)
Booking (+)
More dates to come!
Thursday 06th March 2025 – Camatithu
Nguyễn Thiên Đạo, Tôn Thất Tiết, Lương Huệ Trinh
Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FR)
Booking (+)
Thursday 05th June 2025 – Percustra Karaoke
Théâtre de Hautepierre, Strasbourg (FR)