BIANCHI OSCAR – Aqba, Nel soffio tuo dolce

creation : 28 August 2005 – Abbaye de Royaumont (France)
musicians: 6 percussionists
duration : 14′
publisher : Universal

“A singer from Mozambique, with whom I often collaborated in Italy, used a kind of phoneme during his improvisations, a full, round and rhythmically unique sound. Aqba is my literal perception of this phoneme, whose beauty has always intrigued me.

Aqba is the poetic reference that runs through the whole work: a plastic sound that swings between the depth of timbre (first section) and the excitement of rhythm (second section). An idea, an ideal of beauty that passes through the ancestral to return to the silence of a breath, nel soffio tuo dolce.

Writing for percussion means entering the universe of X, the space of the unknown, where the alchemy of timbre constantly dialogues with the exuberance of rhythm. In this dialectic, the work Aqba, nel soffio tuo dolce pays homage to the first silence, to the intimate dimension in the experience of sound. »

Oscar Bianchi